Figuring Out Melody
You KNOW you can write incredible melodies,
and I can show you HOW!
In Chapter One, I’ll show you a foolproof way to sketch a melody. Then in the following 29 chapters, I’ll show you how to make your sketch more interesting, unique, and EXPRESSIVE.
- an interactive eBook
- over 300 audio examples
- clearly demonstrates essential skills
- both practical advice AND musical insights
Here’s what readers say:
“… a clear, no-nonsense manual for what (of course in hindsight) is right in front every musician’s nose.
I’m only a few chapters in, but its already clarified some huge gaps in my understanding of melody.”
I’m only a few chapters in, but its already clarified some huge gaps in my understanding of melody.”
“Building the Better Guitar Scale”
Other explanations of melody skate over the essentials. But you provide an in-depth and detailed overview that’s easy to grasp. You’ve helped me understand melody in a way no one else has ever been able to do.
I am really glad to gain several new musical perceptions thanks to your excellent books. I’ve never seen the workings of writing music so well explained anywhere else.
I can’t say enough good things about Figuring Out Melody. It is THE BEST music book there is. It’s helped me discover compositional techniques I never knew never existed. It’s full of examples with clear, understandable explanations that demonstrate, time after time, how and why melody actually works—not just a theory of melody. Read the text, do the workbook exercises, and you’ll be writing better music instantly!
Thanks so much for writing a systematic way to look at how melody implies harmony through rhythm. I’ve struggled with this for a long time and reading your book is helping me understand pop music in the same way.
Before finding FOM, I read through a ridiculous amount of music composition manuals and did countless exercises. I felt I was getting nowhere. But reading a chapter or two of FOM each day has taken out all the knots from my writing and performing. I couldn’t believe the facility and flow FOM helped me gain. It even helped me create variations to open up and expand my compositions, which had been one of my primary goals for years.
FOM helped me discover that there was a deeper level to melody that my ear was missing. I keep the book within arm's reach on my bookshelf for when I am stuck on a musical problem, and I recommend every composer, performer, and music enthusiast do the same.